Privacy Policy
At POW Translations, your privacy is of the upmost importance to us and we strive to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and after we receive it. We keep your personal information confidential and are committed to maintaining methods and procedures in order to do so.
By you using our website or our services, or by participating as a subject in any of our *language study projects, you unconditionally agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. We collect personal information from our clients and participants when you correspond with us either verbally, in writing or electronically. We also may collect information when you fill out our forms.
We may ask for and collect the following information about you:
First Name, Age, Email Address, Telephone Number, Health Issue(s), Level of Formal Education, Gender, Province of Residence.
To make sure your personal information remains confidential, all POW Translations employees, translators, proofreaders, revisers and contractors are bound by confidentiality agreements.
The main reasons we collect personal information from you are:
a) To contact you if you wish to be considered for any future participation opportunities, for which you qualify.
b) To carry out our obligations with our third party clients regarding the anonymous information that they require, which may include your gender, health issue(s), level of formal education, and province/state of residence.
We do not share any of your other personal information with any third parties.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at:
- Language Study Projects are not Clinical Trials. Their sole purpose is to test the translation and comprehension of the language and terms only of documents and/or materials that have been translated to the native language of your country.